Saturday, January 16, 2016

Sesnezóne: A Seed Language. A Language Seed.

I had intended to use Lexember to work on a one-month, one-off, minimalist conlang, but that didn't work out due to finals and family, so I was excited when I saw Languary on Tumblr. We're half-way through the month, and my languary project is coming right along. It has some of the same basic ideas I am using in Shelis/Shellese, another project I've been working on, but it's certainly not the same language by any means.

My vision for this project is as a "seed language" for some collaborative conlanging. I'd like to put it out there on the February 1 for people to expand, remix, and use as they see fit, preferably with each other. It's a sort of Play Auxiliary Language-- a linguistic toy I am sharing with other kids on the playground, so to speak. I don't know if anyone will play along, but I'll offer it up, anyway. I certainly hope that someone better than me at designing writing systems comes along.

In the meantime, there's a lot more work for me to do to get it into shape before the official release date. I am having a good deal of fun with it, and I hope other people will too.

Sesnezóne: A Seed Language

Vowels: a æ e i ɔ o u  <a á e i ó o u>  Diphthongs: ai au
Consonants: b p t d k g l m n h s z
ʃ ʒ f v j <b p t d k g l m n h s z c j f v y>
Syllables: (C)V(C) ; Stress (TBD—penultimate?)
Flexible SVO; [S(InO/Oblique)VO]; pronouns are obligatory.
Nouns and Pronouns use the same case and number markings in the order: root-number-case.   Pronouns: 1st  ye / 2nd  / 3rd  ku
Plural: -se
Cases: Nominative (null), Accusative (-mim), Ablative (-ken), Locative (-bai), Instrumental (-vif), Dative (-tui), Genitive (-sis)
Articles:  definite: yi ; indefinite: go (=one) /Demonstratives: cu (this), ze (that), jen (that over there); Articles and demonstratives occur to the left of the noun.
Adjectives follow nouns they modify. Cardinal numbers come before the noun, but ordinal numbers follow the noun. Adverbs usually follow the verbs they modify. Relative clauses follow the noun and begin with cue.
Verbs: Every verb contains one of the 7 verb roots, which can be used alone or as part of a compound or derived word. Verbs are not marked for person or number. Adverbs/Adverbial phrases follow the verb, before the Object [in the usual word order].
The 7 verb roots:  Be, si; do/make, fa; have, ge; go, ; say, ; think, tu; perceive (physical senses), ko
Past  -na, Historical  Past -nana; Future -
Causative ke- , Potential an-, Conditional pe-, Imperative -zu; Perfect is expressed by putting “manu” (“already”) before the verb, rather than in its usual place following the verb; Inceptive prefix ses- (before other prefixes) Hearsay-evidential omne-
Negation: Double negation with negation (lo) at front of sentence and as the last element of the verb: lo… verb(lo), except with the imperative, where it appears only at the end of the verb.
Polar (Y/N): Begin with question particle, Gá tó si go bayen? ( you are a person? = Are you a person?)
Interrogative words appear where they would in a declarative sentence. Who= gába What= gáne Where= gáhe When= gáhá  Why= gádón How= gáko
Prepositional phrases appear directly after the thing that they describe. (As in English: the book on the shelf)

Other Affixes (often also used as roots):

Toward/Together hu-
·         kehusi, attach, combine
·         hulá , go to
·         huculá, come
Away from/Apart va-
·         kevasi, separate
·         kevafa, cut off, slice (causative+apart+be)
·         kelá, to leave, go away from
Tool -fi
Person -ba
Person (Participant/Occupational) –fása
Place –hema
Thing (concrete/observable) -ne
Thing/Idea (abstract/unobservable) -ua
Time (of/for) -hánu
Group of  -dos
·         fiendos, toolset
·         hemados, area
·         dótu, believe (as a sort of “hardened” or more concrete thought)
Soft/Liquid  mai-
·         maitu, feel (emotionally, or gut feeling about something, a “softer” thought)
Nominalizer(General) –(y)en [insert ‘y’ following vowels except i.]
·         dosen, group
·         bayen, person
·         fien, tool
Adj  -(y)ec (y following vowels except i)
·         dóyec, hard, solid
·         maiec, soft, liquid, fluid
Adv -mu, -nu
·         vamu, apart, separately
·         humu, together
·         vanu, from, away from
·         hunu, to, toward

dón, because
sua, if  (…fia, then)
kinca, although
hádo, since
lona, despite, in spite of
ses begin (root); inceptive when prefixed to another verb
sesne: seed, starting point
sesua: (a) beginning
sessi, to become
sesfa, to begin, start (to do something)
seslá, to begin (to move)
zóne – language

lázófi – (mobile) telephone 

Creative Commons License
Sesnezóne by Mia DeSanzo is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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